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Connecting with Young Engineers

Connecting with Young Engineers

Electronics companies need to learn how to connect with engineers under 35. Why? Young engineers do the bulk of the object-level work, designing boards, and sourcing parts. To find them, don’t look where the more senior members congregate. A generational divide...

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Are You Prepared for GDPR?

Are You Prepared for GDPR?

The clock is about to strike midnight. GDPR is nearly here. Is your house in order? As you’ve surely heard, beginning May 25, the European Commission will require all companies processing data of European Union (EU) citizens to adhere to new General Data Protection...

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Search Optimizing Your Marketing Strategy

Search Optimizing Your Marketing Strategy

Nothing has confused marketers more over the last two decades than SEO – Search Engine Optimization.  Reason being: very few people have a true understanding of what it is.  In fact, some people believe it’s a myth!  But I assure you…SEO is very real, and it’s very...

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