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This free 45-minute on-demand training session will help you to understand how LinkedIn can help anyone in the electronics industry to better engage your company’s clients, partners, and prospects. Learn how to set up your profile the right way and how to build your network with a simple, and consistent activity schedule. Designed for anyone in a customer-facing role from CEOs to HR, accounting, product management, engineering, sales, and marketing.

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Even before the Coronavirus, LinkedIn has been a vital daily business communication tool. Or, at least, it should be. Personally, I use it almost as much as email to read and learn, to keep up on what my clients and prospective clients are doing, and to watch the competition. One recent study of sales teams showed that new prospects were 10x more likely to respond to a LinkedIn communication than they would an email or a phone call. And now in our WHF (Working from Home) world, all employees are on the frontline, not just the sales team.

More than ever, now’s the time to get LinkedIn right.

In the components sector where new product announcements, COVID-19 updates, and supply chain news are happening many times a day, LinkedIn is an indispensable way to share information across the market. Today’s top CEOs know that LinkedIn is the most convenient and effective way to personally engage the markets that their companies serve. HR managers now know all too well that a poor LinkedIn presence can immediately deter prospective new employees.

As a case in point, my oldest son was recently applying for positions for his first college co-op program; he received an offer of an interview, visited the company’s LinkedIn page, saw that the last post was several months old, and declined the interview in less than a few minutes.

LinkedIn is the face of your company, and your employees on LinkedIn are your frontline ambassadors.

But I realize LinkedIn isn’t as simple as flipping a switch. To help, I’ve partnered with the ECIA (Electronic Components Industry Association) to provide a free 45-minute training session and to give you a practical step-by-step instruction on:

  1. Understanding the benefits of LinkedIn
  2. Setting up your profile the right way
  3. Posting and what to post
  4. Building a “quality not quantity” network
  5. And for salespeople, finding and successfully engaging new customers

Watch the webinar here.

If you want to hear how Lectrix combines the LinkedIn audiences of component makers, reps, and distributors to produce effective sales campaigns, please drop me a line here: Graham Kilshaw, CEO, Lectrix.