Electronics marketing: are you beating or just competing?
Marketing in the electronic components industry is complex - and to me it’s fascinating. The suppliers are commercially driven - engineers typically are not. And therein lies the marketing challenge. I hope this newsletter will bring you some new thinking. Here’s a...
LinkedIn Basics – Making it an Effective Communication Tool for Electronics Industry Companies
This free 45-minute on-demand training session will help you to understand how LinkedIn can help anyone in the electronics industry to better engage your company’s clients, partners, and prospects. Learn how to set up your profile the right way and how to build your...
Case Study: How AMETEK-CTS Built a Lead Funnel by Producing Expert Content on a Niche Topic
When a new set of requirements for EMC and radiated emissions in vehicles was implemented in the European market, it caused compliance issues and confusion for international automotive manufacturers. With an HQ in Europe and years of expertise in the automotive...
How You Resource Your Digital Marketing Effort is Like Choosing an Electric Car!
I’m car-shopping. I love cars. It’s one of my favorite things to do. But this time it’s different – this time it has to be electric, or at least hybrid. Without going off on an environmental tangent – it’s just high time we all made the switch; the car population of...
Distributors and Manufacturers are Missing a Trick! Sharing is Caring.
Sneak Peek: Distributors can re-use Component Manufacturers’ lead generation campaigns to develop more business. In turn, manufacturers should share their campaigns with their distributor. How should this be done? Read on, and you’ll find a couple step-by-step...
Whose Job is it to Create New Sales Opportunities in the Electronics Industry? And How?
If you work in the electronics industry, you’ve likely heard one of these in conversation with reps and manufacturers: “We are a sales company. We don’t do marketing. That’s up to the manufacturer.” “I hire sales reps to go out and find new customers. We are just a...
It’s Getting Hot in Here: Website Heatmapping
“Mr. Haller, Ms. Barrett, if you’ll please follow me, I’ll show you our facilities,” the salesman encouraged tepidly as he beckoned with his hand - his hair disheveled, windblown - his suit quite lived in. “You can bring those brochures with you. They’re yours to...
Are You Prepared for GDPR?
The clock is about to strike midnight. GDPR is nearly here. Is your house in order? As you’ve surely heard, beginning May 25, the European Commission will require all companies processing data of European Union (EU) citizens to adhere to new General Data Protection...
Search Optimizing Your Marketing Strategy
Nothing has confused marketers more over the last two decades than SEO – Search Engine Optimization. Reason being: very few people have a true understanding of what it is. In fact, some people believe it’s a myth! But I assure you…SEO is very real, and it’s very...
Defining Your Culture – Your Mission Statement Speaks Volumes
Do me a favor…tell me in just a few words what your business is all about. No, I don’t want to know about your business plan. I’m more talking about the day-to-day. What’s it like to work at your company? What do the employees work toward? What is the – wait for...
5 Reasons Why Webinars are Crucial to Your Marketing Strategy
How do you stand out in today’s marketing landscape? You can’t just say, “Our product is the best! You should buy it!” and expect to sell it anymore. Customers aren’t convinced. They have countless resources at their disposal to help them compare and decide what’s...
Qualifying Leads Through Subject Matter Expertise
Miss the live presentation? Watch the recording today! As a technical industry marketer, you’re challenged to not only connect with your audience but to do so while relaying highly complex information. Alongside your product or service, your Subject Matter Experts...
What’s an MQL? An SQL? Why are they important to lead generation in electronics engineering?
In short, MQLs are Marketing Qualified Leads, SQLs are Sales Qualified Leads, and in an industry like electronics engineering, you could waste years chasing an MQL who is not going to buy anything instead of a promising SQL if you don’t understand the difference....
Are You Generating Leads or Just Contacts?
One of the primary goals in marketing to electronics engineers is lead generation: feeding the sales pipeline with new contacts and future customers. But are you generating true leads, or are you really just generating contacts? Generating leads means that you are...